Sunday, December 9, 2018

Check this Out!

I've always enjoyed finding teacher blogs and looking at them for ideas and inspiration; and more often than not, some good laughs about teaching in general. One of the blogs that I really enjoy for it's overall humor about teaching and the situations you encounter is the "Love, Teach" blog. She teaches secondary english and her posts are almost always good for a laugh. She recounts hilarious situations and things her students have said and talks about situations that are too true for teachers.

One of my favorite concepts of hers is "DEVOLSON" which is the Dark, Evil, Vortex of Late September, October, and November. Once I read her post on it, I could relate to everything she said and recognized the problems of DEVOLSON as well. It was nice to read about someone else's struggles with those first couple months of the year and to have a name to put to it.

If you're interested in having some laughs and approaching teaching situations with humor or even need some support and knowing that you aren't the only one going through those times, check her out.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Starting Off

Hello All!

Welcome to my blog "Around the World in Tech Tips". This is starting as a project for my Masters program so we will see how it turns out. I haven't blogged before so maybe I'll like it and maybe I'll hate it. I do know that I am something of a tech guru.

I'm currently teaching 8th Grade Global Studies in Minnesota. I love social studies and I love to incorporate new technologies with my students. I'm a fair hand with technology and enjoy learning and sharing new strategies.

Check in for some posts about apps, sites, activities related to technology and social studies.